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Our distinguished commentator is certainly imbued with Trump Hatred Syndrome, the favourite affectation of the Establishment. And its virtual destruction of the Republican Party will hand the Democrats victory in the mid terms. The fact that Trump was by far the most effective president in recent times does not stand to his credit. On the contrary, it enrages the Establishment. Why? Look at him! He wouldn't even get into the stand by pool of extras at a major studio. The hair, the unbuttoned jacket, the pout, the repetitious dialogue - good grief! On the other hand, almost half the population thinks that Joe Biden is a "regular guy". Neat and tidy, well dressed, jacket buttoned! - and such comforting words he speaks, "Why, he's just like old Uncle Harry - isn't he, dear!" There it is! as the Austrian Emperor Joseph used to say. It's all about personality - not policies. Summing up the current situation is easy : it's the Establishment against the unwashed public. And history teaches us the Establishment usually wins.

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